Victor Central High School Victor, New York

By Laws Of The Victor Band Boosters  

Article I Membership

Membership in good standing shall be attained by supporting Article II, Purpose of the Association Constitution. A copy of the Constitution and By Laws of the Association will be available upon request.


Article II The Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be responsible to:

A. Interpret and accordingly act upon the Constitution and By Laws of the Association

B. Recommend and implement with General Membership approval, programs to fulfill the purpose of the Association.

C. Prepare and present a budget to the Association at the January General Membership Meeting of the Association fiscal year.

D. Meet regularly each month on dates previously determined, and hold additional meetings as called by the President or Band Director. Meetings shall be held at the Victor Central School or other location designated by the Director or President.

E. Act, with the concurrence of the Band Director(s) or Winter Guard Director(s), in an emergency capacity and expend monies appropriated to meet the emergency situation. Such actions and justifications for such actions shall be presented to the General Membership at the next meeting of the Membership. Such action by the Board shall require approval of the Band Director and one other Executive Board Member.

F. Any regular expenditure under $100.00 requires the approval of the Band Director or Winter Guard Director and on other Executive Board Member. Any expenditure over $100.00 requires the approval of the Executive Board.

G. Keep the Membership informed of all actions, programs, activities, and functions of the Association.


Article III Officers

Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) are voting members of the Executive Board and shall hold office for a period of one (1) year, coinciding with the fiscal year, which will run from January 1 through December 31. Each officer shall attend a minimum of 75% of all General Membership Meetings, or the officer may be removed from office by 75% of the remaining Executive Board members. If a vacancy shall occur (by resignation or removal), the General Membership shall elect a new member in good standing to fill the vacancy, with the exception of the President. Should the President vacate, the Vice president assumes the office of the President, and a new Vice President is elected by the General Membership. Officers shall not hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive years.

A. President (Co Presidents)

1. Shall be the executive head of the Association with full power to enforce and uphold the Constitution and By Laws of the Association.

2. Shall preside at all Executive Board and General Membership meetings and govern it with parliamentary procedure.

3. Shall be the ex officio member of all committees of the Association

4. Shall vote at Executive Board and General Membership meetings only when necessary to break a tie vote.

5. Shall prepare agenda for General Membership meetings.

B. Vice President

1. Shall assume the duties of the President in case of absence or incapacity of the President.

2. Shall provide a copy of the Constitution and By Laws to each new Band Booster Member upon request.

    1. Shall perform any additional duties requested by the President.

4. Shall notify all Executive Board Members of all meetings and upcoming events.

5. Shall provide a slate of officers and oversee voting.

    1. Secretary

1. Shall keep careful and authentic records of the proceedings of the Executive Board and General Membership meetings, and report General Membership minutes at the subsequent meeting.

2. Shall read and respond to all correspondence that may be called for by the Association.

    1. Shall receive and keep on file any and all correspondence pertaining to the Association.
    2. Shall prepare written notification of all special functions as required by the Constitution and By Laws of the Association.

D. Treasurer

1. Shall receive, record, and deposit all money.

2. Shall deposit and disburse monies under the name Victor Band Boosters Association.

3. Shall pay out funds only as authorized by the Executive Board and the Constitution.

4. Shall maintain a record of all items donated to and purchased by the Association.

5. Shall provide monthly financial reports at General Membership Meetings.

6. Shall provide a year end financial report.

Article IV Chairpersons

Chairpersons shall hold office for a period of one (1) year or for a term specified by the President or Band Director, commencing the first day of the month following the appointment. If a vacancy shall occur (by removal or resignation), the Executive Board shall appoint a member in good standing.

A. Each Chairperson shall perform any additional duties requested by the President.

Article V The Band Director

A. The Band Director is a voting member of the Executive Board, and is expected to attend Executive Board Meetings and General Membership meetings.


B. Should the Band Director vacate, or for any other reason leave his/her position as Band Director of Victor High School, the Executive Board will carry on all business with the assistance of one (1) advisor from the Administration of Victor High School, or the Assistant Band Director until a new Director is appointed.

Article VI Elections

A. The elections shall be by prepared ballot.

B. To be elected, a candidate must receive the highest total vote of all members present.

    1. All parents/guardians (past and present) shall be eligible to vote.
    2. A neutral representative selected by the Vice President from the General Membership attending the meeting shall count ballots.

Article VII Eligibility

A. To be nominated for position of Officer, the member must be a past or present parent/guardian of Victor High School Band, Fall Color Guard, or Winter Color Guard student, and must be a member in good standing.

B. To be appointed for the position of Chairperson, the member must be in good standing, and must be a past or present parent/guardian of a Victor High School Band, Fall Color Guard, or Winter Color Guard.

Article VIII Nominations

A. The Vice President shall present a full slate of candidates for election to the Executive Board.

    1. Nomination for Officers shall be closed at the end of the regular General Membership Meeting, after accepting additional nominations from the floor.
    2. Consent of each nominee shall be obtained before the closing of nominations of the regular November General Membership Meeting and the nominee's name placed on the ballot.

Article IX Funds

A. Accounting of the funds of the Association shall be on a fiscal year basis running from January 1 through December 31. The financial records shall be reviewed yearly and turned over to the elected treasurer at the January meeting.

    1. The Executive Board at their discretion may conduct an audit if required.
    2. The treasurer shall deposit and disburse funds according to the
    3. Constitution of the Association.

    4. The Association shall drive its revenue from contributions, and such other activities of the Association, Band, Fall Color Guard, and Winter Color Guard.
    5. All funds shall be disbursed by check. Those authorized to sign checks are the President and Treasurer.
    6. All funds shall be used for the furtherance of the Bands, Fall Color Guard, Winter Color Guard, and their activities.
    7. All funds of the Association shall be deposited at such financial institution as agreed upon by the Executive Board.
    8. If an emergency situation shall arise, the Band Director can expend One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per emergency, and not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per fiscal year. The justification for such expenditures shall be presented at the next Executive Board Meeting. In extreme emergencies, the Band Director or President can authorize expenditures above the fiscal year limit with justification at a future date.

Article X Meetings

A. General Membership Meetings shall be held on dates established by the Executive Board at the January Executive Board Meeting at the Victor Central School.

B. All members present at a General Membership Meeting and in good standing shall constitute a quorum.

C. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting official business.

Article XI Committees

    1. Membership Committee
    1. In support of the Victor Bands, Fall Color Guard, and Winter Color Guard, it shall be the duty of this committee to recruit new members.
    2. To keep an updated list of members in good standing.
    3. Compose a phone tree of all students participating in Band, Fall Color Guard, and Winter Color Guard.
    4. Shall activate the telephone tree automatically prior to a regularly scheduled meeting, or when directed by the President or Band Director.
    1. Ways and Means (Fund Raising) Committee
    1. Establish events designed to meet the annual monetary goals of the Executive Board in support of all Bands, Fall Color Guard, and Winter Color Guard.
    2. Present information regarding planned events at the General Membership meetings.
    3. Coordinate the human resources necessary to complete sub-tasks.
    4. Organizes all activities leading up to and the day(s) of the event.
    5. Collect all monies and submit carefully prepared accounting statements and monies to the Treasurer.
    1. Uniform Committee
    1. It shall be the duty of this committee to fit and assign uniforms, to store uniforms in an orderly manner, to keep inventory, to report all required repairs, maintenance and/or replacements to the Executive Board.
    2. To publish rules of alterations and proper care of the uniform.
    3. To collect all uniform deposits and dry cleaning contracts, and turn over all monies collected to the Treasurer.
    1. Publicity Committee
    1. It shall be the duty of this committee to provide maximum exposure for all Bands, Fall Color Guard, and Winter Color Guard activities (i.e.: parades, concerts, fundraisers, etc.) through all media available.
    1. Travel Committee
    1. Committee is a two-year assignment. Duty of the committee is to work with the Band Director in gathering information on music festivals and trips, and present their findings to the Executive Board for discussion and approval along with the Band Director. Chairperson of the Ways and Means Committee is to be informed of costs to be incurred to support participation in the selected festivals and trips.


    1. Banquet Committee
    1. Shall be responsible for organizing all aspects of the banquet at the conclusion of the Field Band season.
    1. Home Band Show Committee
    1. Shall organize and execute all aspects of implementing the Association's annual show.
    2. Shall report show status monthly to the General Membership.
    3. Shall maintain a current set of written responsibilities with a coordinated time line.
    1. Winter Guard Show Committee

1. Shall organize and execute all aspects of implementing the Association's annual show.

    1. Shall report show status monthly to the General Membership.
    2. Shall maintain a current set of written responsibilities with a coordinated time line.
    1. Pit Crew Committee
    1. Shall work with the Band Director to deliver, set-up, and remove all equipment necessary for all practice sessions and performances.
    2. Shall be responsible for reporting to the General Membership during their season.
    1. Floor Crew Committee
    1. Shall work with the Director to deliver, set-up, and remove all equipment necessary for all practice sessions and performances.
    2. Shall be responsible for reporting to the General Membership during their season.

Article XII Drum Majors & Winter Color Guard Captains

    1. The duties of the Drum Majors and Winter Guard Captains:
    1. Shall meet with the Section Leaders of the Band as required to enable the students to have a voice in the governing of the Association
    2. Shall assist in fund raising activities as related to their assigned group (Field Band or Winter Color Guard)
    3. Shall establish and maintain a telephone tree as related to their assigned group to be presented at the regular September Executive Board Meeting.
    4. Shall designate on representative to be responsible to initiate the telephone tree.
    5. Shall assist is all planning activities for the annual awards banquet in conjunction with the Band Director and Banquet Committee chairperson(s). Shall play a major roll during the presentation portion of the banquet.

Article XIII Scholarship Award & Criteria

    1. Committee includes Band Director and selected members from the General Membership. Purpose is to select and provide monetary incentive for Band students to continue their participation in musical activities. This is to be awarded at the annual Dollars for Scholars scholarship night to band students.
    1. Criteria will be developed and maintained by Band Director and Committee.

2. The Band Director and Committee will make final Selection of the scholarship recipient.


Latest Revision Date: January 8, 2001 - Motion Passed to change Article VIII (C)